Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Dear Gandy,

I am so freaking tired. It's Saturday so what gives? I'll tell you what.. it's the side effect of my diet plan. For those that are not in the know already, I have been trying out a new diet called "I-Raid-At-Night". The downside is that I don't sleep. But who has time to eat with all that raiding? It's working for the most part really... but OH-EM-GEE i'm sleepy!!

And Gandy we did really good last night. Made it up to the very last mob in the zone before we called it. The last one is supposedly a dragon. Oooh! Ahhh!! Exciting! But it was already 2am and I was done! Then I stayed up till 4am doing the post-raid rant (which this time wasn't really so much of a rant, can you believe it!?) and then I was just too tired to make myself stand up and go to bed. So Gandy, I hope you had fun with your BOYFRIEND. Ugh... really...

It was nice, calm, and ..boring. Not a lot of chitter-chatter and laughs, though our dear Duey was making cookie jokes in the text chat hahaha. Something about cookies & cream... I know Gandy will get it. I told him that was DIRTY! Anytime we took a break, he went to watch more cookie porn.

I suppose.. for those that are not into MMORPGs we should start edu-ma-kating them so they can keep up with our conversations. I guess we start as if they are starting the game. Character creation!! First step.. deciding what class to play. There are 4 archtypes.

First is your tanks. They take the damage and make the monster hit them so everyone else can do their jobs. Tanks are important. They take a beating so the rest of us can pretend to be elite.

Second is your healers. Obviously, they heal. Don't leave home without one. Or two.

The next two archtypes are the damage-dealers. Referred to as DPS in the Evercrack world. There's the melee's that swing the swords and they wear skin-tight armor. The caster classes wiggle their lil fingers and cast spells. They are mainly concerned with their robes matching their gloves and hats. Melees show their insecurities by buying big swords, casters by discussing the virtues of their pets while changing their cloaks 3 times between fights.

Once you decide what role you want to play... then you have the big choice of decided... AM I GOOD OR EVIL?

In EQOA almost all of my characters were goody-two-shoes. Enough of that! Now in EQ2 I am all evil. MUWHAHAHAHAH <-- that's an evil laugh, okay? Got it?

We also talk alot about porn around here. I will leave the porn topic for everyone to review the basics on their own. There will be no group refresher on this. It's for the safety of everyone involved.

My daughter is singing behind me as I type about porn and we have to go run errands now.

PS - I hate me some stupid people too!!

PPS - Sorry for the half-assed post. I'll do better next time!


Jae Jae the tired

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Idiots and why I don't like them

If there is one thing that Jaejae and I agree on, it is that the idiots in our world make our lives depressingly unbearable. Perhaps idiocy is a subjective thing, but I will make the argument that it is not. You are either a capable and intelligent human being with common sense and meaningful things to say and do throughout your life, or you're a lumbering jackass that goes through life not knowing what common sense even means or that it is something that could conceivably apply to you or that tiny little excuse of a brain you possess.

I'm taking a class currently on the psychology of diversity. "But Gandy" you may say "doesn't that mean that you should try and be more accepting of the diversity of the human race rather than degrade and insult them by calling them idiots?" Well my answer to that absurd question is a resounding no. I do not believe that stupid is a legitimate category of diversity, and I do not believe that stupid people deserve patience, understanding, and sympathy. An intelligent person would say "I don't understand what this means, can you please elaborate so that I may learn", an idiot says "well I read somewhere... I don't know where.... that blah blah blah blah... and going to a good Catholic school will undoubtedly shield you from prejudice and bigotry.... and skinheads and the Caribbean Club are two similar groups... just like comparing apples and oranges, they're still fruit.... and I know we're talking about raising awareness about diversity, but let's talk about planes for a minute" Are you serious?

This woman in my class makes me hate my life for the 2 hours and 40 minutes that I sit there every Wednesday. The things she has to say or "contribute" if you will are so asinine, that it makes you wonder what she's doing in a class about diversity in the first place. Being racially diverse does NOT make you free of racism and bias, so stop pretending that you're Mother Theresa. You can't even compare. The things that you have to say during class are offensive and obscene, not only to myself, but to everyone surrounding me. And let me take a second to point out that I am not a person who is easily offended. It takes a lot to upset me, but this woman pushes all the buttons. As Jae mentioned earlier, I'm level-headed and diplomatic - but this woman just knows no boundaries.

I can't even continue to talk about her because the idea of her incenses me. UGH! SHUT UP!

And before I forget....

Dearest Jae-Jae:

I'm sorry I did not email you today while I was at work. I got caught up sending in requests for my transcripts for my grad school applications and looking up literature on the Amish. Yes I said the Amish. Don't look at me like that. Did you know that because I'm staff, I get to keep the books I took out until May? That's freaking awesome.

I'm doing a group project on a diverse group of people, and we chose the Amish. They can get crazy when they turn 16 you know, you should look up the term rumspringa, its hot stuff. Who knew that the Amish
threw the greatest parties? I certainly did not.

Rumspringa: To Be or Not to Be Amish

Anyway, that's why I didn't get to enjoy my daily banter with you today while I was at work. It made me sad. I feel my day is not complete, so I'm going to find alternative ways to fill the void in my soul.

Watch out.

Most Sincerely,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NOT Scaring the General Public

Isn't this a treat!

Well, unlike Gandy Cane, I am a gamer geek to the core. But I usually settle in on a game and play it for years. It all started with my dad's Atari.. Space Invaders and Pong. Then Nintendo came out with their wonderful gaming system. I will always luv me some Mario, especially Mario Kart! I've played some 90's online RPGs and was a guild leader there. Played Sims 1 & Sims 2. Played EQOA on the PS2. Was a guild leader there too.

The current obsession is Everquest 2. I have a delightfuly malicious & immoral dark elf Necromancer named Jaezah, or as Gandy affectionately calls her, "Jae-Jae". My alt character is a half-elf (read: Fairy-ass elf... did Gandy put a PG rating here? Dunno.. hope not, or this is already a fail) Inquisitor named Tyrahni. That's Tyrahni O'Pression. Read it slowly. That's it. Oh, and I have a guild on EQ2 also. I like to be in charge n' stuffs.

Like Gandy Cane blames her boyfriend, I blame my ex for bringing Everquest into our home. He was accepted to the beta testing for EQOA and after watching for a week, I reluctantly made a character. In hindsight, I was playing the Sims 1 at the time and was probably intrigued by the character creation and inserting her into a world which is very similiar to starting out on the Sims. After a while, my characters joined forces with others and I surpassed the ex and took over the account. My ex has now been gone for years but my passion for Everquesting stays.

My friends refer to me as the geeky one of the group or sometimes the nerdy one. Can you believe that?? I mean.. really! Just because those bitches can't fix their own computers ..

I am a bottomless source of useless information and prone to random changes in conversation. I listen to an eclectic variety of music, I don't watch TV with the exception of Glee & Raising Hope and if you aren't watching Raising Hope yet, then you can't come read our blogs anymore. I read an equally eclectic selection of books. Currently the geek side is showing and I'm finishing up "The War of the Spider Queen" series. Luvs me some dark elves!

While Gandy Cane is the calm, rational, logical diplomat of our relationship, I am the bringing of chaos and prone to fits of rage. I tend to run amok and leave Gandy to clean up after me. She enables me, don't give me that look! She is my Public Relations rep. It's her job. She is paid with humorous emails about my antics and musings.

Left to myself, I am quiet, calm and level-headed. Put in any social situation and I appease my boredom with cracked-out behaviors. This either delights or horrifies people, depending on how well they know me.

I also tend to babble.



How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

As you can probably imagine, at least if you've read the description, Jaejae and I are gamer girls. I can't speak for the intensity of gamer that Jae is, but I for one am a very specific type of gamer. I don't like FPS games, I'm shifty with the RTS games - unless its one of the Civilization games... or Black & White back in its heyday - and I never in my life thought I would ever play an MMORPG. I mean never. Too nerdy for my blood I said. I'm more of a puzzle/adventure/real-time/platformer/control the lives of things kind of gamer. The Sims, Sim City, Zelda, Black & White I & II, Plants vs. Zombies, World of Goo, etc. Everquest? What the hell is that? Well I got sucked into it and I blame my boyfriend - yes I have a boyfriend. Don't let anyone tell you that people who play games don't have lives. We do. Very busy, stressful, complicated lives just like anyone else. I'm a grad student getting my masters in psychology - I'm not a sloppy, jobless, creepoid of a person with no prospects and no sex life. I have a fantastic sex life - thankyouverymuch. Jae? Well.. she sells screws for a living. Go ahead and ask her about it (no, she's not a jobless creepoid either, stop that).

What will this blog be about? Anything. Oh, and everything. Stuff about the game, stuff about our lives - a smorgasbord of endless banter that may or may not amuse the hell out of you. It all amuses the hell out of me and that's good enough.

Today is stupid and rainy, and that makes me sleepy. So rather than actually being a productive and contributing member of society, I'm going to reheat my burrito from this wondrous Mexican place in my boyfriend's hometown, log into the crack and then pee my pants as I laugh hysterically from Glee and Raising Hope tonight - two shows that I encourage everyone to watch.

Alright Jae - it's your turn to scare the general public.

Gandy Cane